Four Corners Ministries

Apostolic & Prophetic Leadership Empowerment

Equip and empower churches and leaders for Kingdom Breakthrough.


  • Equip, train, empower and encourage workers. People traveling on an Apostolic Prophetic teams bring breakthrough and empowerment wherever they minister.
  • Empower and bring breakthrough to persons within churches and groups in the U.S.A and NZ.
  • Release all conference participants in the Apostolic and Prophetic in order to empower and strengthen the national church. To release all participants to function in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Equip and train through conferences, leaders and pastors in other nations.
  • Equip and empower national leaders by encouraging them to travel with us and be part of the team.
  • Equip, Empower and Impart the anointing to oppressed women across Asia through conferences.
  • Speak Breakthrough and change atmosphere.

Invitations exist to equip pastors and workers in Asia and the restricted access nations. Apostolic prophetic teams travel throughout the year in order to accomplish this. Teams are made up of anyone wishing to be used of God,  who is willing to be of service for a short time 1-3 weeks, under the guidance of an Apostolic leader, evangelist, teacher, team leader. These activities transform all participants. The visiting Apostolic and Prophetic team pays for the training, as usually the recipient group is very poor and can contribute only a very minimal amount.


In most situations USD$1500 will Transport, Feed, Accommodate, and Train up to 500 church workers for a three-day period (8am – 6pm daily) The average cost per conference is $3-5 a day for three days for a person to attend. We provide all participants with note taking materials. Derek Prince Ministries provides all participants with books in their own language.

The team moves in the power of God under the corporate anointing of the Apostolic leader bringing breakthrough and transformation to conference participants.

Through teaching, drama and ministry thousands of leaders have been empowered and transformed in over 100 Conferences across Asia in these past ten years.


In some countries there will also be a need to have ministry materials translated into the language of the people. Brochures, manuals teaching aids and CD’s and DVD’s will be developed in response to need.

Itinerant Evangelism. Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.

Church meetings, Tent meetings, Healing meetings, Evangelism.

In any Country, City, Town, Church, Hall or Home.

Invitation or Spiritual Direction.

Sponsored by donations from other Christians.

Four Corners Ministries, Evangelists, have in the past traveled into many
restricted nations including Russia, Thailand,  Bulgaria,  Spain, Britain, Latin America,
Mexico, New Zealand, and within the U.S.A.