Thank you for your prayers for Kevin as he entered the USA without incident on June 1
God is so good. Denise returned to Indiana on May 29 after ministering in
Victoria Canada where a new door has opened. Tulsa Ok to the Chin
R.A.N. people and visiting friends and supporters of the
Ministry in Oklahoma City and Los Alamos New Mexico,fcm_pic12
Denise was saddened and shocked to hear as she arrived
in the USA from South America of the terrible earthquake that devastated R.A.N. & North without Christ. The earthquake hit when churches were operating! Many
Christians Died! God is Wonderful as that day many churches finished just
minutes prior to the shake and hundreds were saved!

This is harvest time there, Please pray that the church of R.A.N.
will rise to take the nation for Christ, All our friends there though
shaken are safe.

Please pray for Pastors in R.A.N. who slept on the streets for many days due to the
shaking. They haye recently taken in these two little girls,
abandoned by their parents seeking Work in Malaysia.11949472_10206043424739467_710048741553395479_n Their
rental situation has become unmanageable and we Praise God
for His faithfulness. Money has been gifted to allow them to
build a small house on the property provided by the Ministry
many years ago, If anyone Would like to help support these this family
become self supporting you can access the details below.
Jesus said: “As you bless and love the children you will be blessed”.fcm13

The time in the Himalayan region was amazing and God moved
mightily. Many wonderful Conferences with amazing miracles, signs & wonders.

Eph 3: 7 says: ” by constantly using your faith the life qullr’is‘t will be want
your life to become the resting place of His love? Do you want the life of
Christ to be released in you? Start using your faith today!

Pray for Denise and Kevin as they travel in Florida over June- July, for health & strength.
for safety on the roads & for God to move powerfully.
Eph 3:8-19 says: ” Then as your spiritual strong empowered to discovered  what every holy one experiences the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions!”
Do you want to discover this’.’ That‘s what we do out there in these restricted nations:
empower the believers to discover that they are they are Holy ones of God, to discover the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. The deep intimate. far -reaehing love and how enduring and inclusive is His love! /