
  • Has your heart been crying to God for a greater touch?
  • Do you want to experience and see moves of God like in the early revivals?
  • Do you want to be part of breakthrough?
  • Do you want to experience the change evident in the church in the nations?
  • Do you want a greater intimacy and relationship with Jesus?
  • Do you want to do the works that Jesus did and greater?
  • Do you want to see and experience the glory of God in a region?
  • Do you want to see Kingdom values achieved and brought across Asia and the Himalayas?

We are skilled in bringing breakthrough in the realm of the Holy Spirit in Asia and beyond. We have a history of over 33 years International Ministry and are seeing the glory of God poured out at our conferences around the world.

Breakthrough training, equipping strengthens your faith, strengthens your relationship and intimacy with the Lord and equips you for the service of the King to bring the kingdom of heaven wherever you are.

For registration of interest and information, please contact us!

Email: kdereid@aol.com
Phone:  4077210576 or 407 733 0431 

Location: 614 N Chestnut St. Seymour 
Zip code 47274 

Web site: https://fourcornersministries.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deniseapioneer20years 

All missionary work should be programmed to multiply and this Incorporation would not be an exception to this rule.

The countries of the Western Hemisphere of the U.S.A. and New Zealand have enjoyed the privilege of living with freedom as an accepted norm, but that is not what many parts of the two thirds world  are experiencing. Representatives of Four Corners Ministries endeavour where at all possible to encourage people of sound church experience and Christian faith to GO and SEE for themselves what life outside of our small world is like.
In an organised safe and balanced format, people are given the opportunity to join an Apostolic Prophetic Team  trip, usually of two-three weeks for a life changing experience.

Purpose: Persons, ordinary people, often need to see and be encouraged to move beyond their restricted expectations of their own performance and comfort zone. Through these ministry trips they come into the realization that they are a leader here to do the works that Jesus did and greater works.
This experience causes an: Expanding of personal horizons.
Extending of understanding of other cultures.
Increased vision of home and the world.

Increased faith and personal relationship with Jesus.
There is increased personal confidence and trust in God.
Improves ones self image faster than any in-house courses.

How: Each person makes a commitment to go, to pray for the finance, and to start to understand (by reading selected missionary books) the culture of the country to which they are going.

Each person makes a monetary commitment one-month before departure.

Each person starts to become actively involved in the mission to the country, encouraging others to pray for him or her and often seeking financial contributions toward their trip.

The trip is not a tourist trip, but one where participants will live with the people or be very close to things which are quite foreign to their own culture.

Basic needs are carefully reduced to a more acceptable level for the country which will be visited and this will allow space in the baggage for items, which will be a blessing to the nation of destination.

An expected travel program is established with the knowledge that it always changes.

For those going, it is a STEP into the UNKNOWN and it will result in change and self-development beyond each person’s expectations.

Result: People realizing more of their potential, they become more useful to the church, more useful to their community, more determined to make their life amount to some thing which often bypasses the “ORDINARY person”. In most people there will also be an increased awareness of the safety and security which is so often taken for granted by those living in countries such as the U.S.A., New Zealand and Australia.